ISSN 1731-7517
Artur Niedźwiecki
Decay of Liberal Democracy in Europe
Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska, Dorota Piontek, Joanna Dzwończyk, Monika Jabłońska
The Law and Justice Leader and Prime Minister’s Affinity Towards the Alternative Media on Facebook in Poland
Andrej Školkay, Martin Laczko, Pavel Havlíček, Viera Žúborová
The Affinity of the Former Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš Towards Alternative Media on Facebook
Andrej Školkay, Igor Daniš
The Populist Leaders’ Affinity Towards Alternative Media on Facebook in Slovakia
Györgyi Rétfalvi
Viktor Orbán’s Missing Affinity Towards Alternative Media on Facebook
Andrej Školkay, Adina Marincea
Theory, Methodology, and Background Information to the Four-Case Studies
Svitlana Soroka
Economic Consequences of the Realisation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
Konrad Kołodziejski
Ograniczenie roli parlamentu w Rosji po objęciu władzy przez Władimira Putina